
Saturday 2 October 2010


Child 1 2003 Annemarie Busschers

Squirrel, American Robin and Waterdroplets

Project Green

Groen Kristel Kuiper 

Different Shades 2

Ruobing Wang and

Different Shades

Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf,
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day
Nothing gold can stay.
Robert Frost 

Green Rocking Chicken

From Jamie Hayon’s site:

“Green chicken: The chicken, a rather unexplored shape, found its place amongst my green dreams. I wanted to portray this common bird as a sensational object by amplifying its characteristics and dimensions, turning it into a modern piece, one of great beauty and utility: a rocking chair. The movement, subtle and constant, would give the object a zoom-like trait, a sense of speed and dynamism. My green chicken had taken on a face, a shape, a place and a function.”

Green Chicken Jaime Hayon

Grap a Man and paint him Green

Photo Geert Snoeijer De

Caterpillar Girl

Caterpillar Rhagastis lambertoni, Sphingidae family   Photos Wild Madagascar.

Green Butterfly Decoration

Found Something Green?

Ellen van Putten zwerfkunst.web-log